IUCC shares knowledge about data protection and privacy with IT personnel and researchers in Israel’s academic community in-order to raise awareness of the topic and allow IUCC’s customers to better understand the various aspects of privacy rights, storage of personal data in public cloud, and more.
Personal data
Data on the personality, personal status, intimate affairs, state of health, economic position, vocational qualifications, opinions, and beliefs of a person
Data subject
A person for whom data exists in a database
A collection of data, kept on magnetic or optic storage and intended for computer processing, except:
1) a collection for personal use that is not for business purposes;
2) or a collection that includes only the name, address and method of communication, which in itself does not produce a characterization which infringes the privacy of the persons whose names are included therein, provided that the owner of the collection or the body corporate under his control does not have another collection
Database owner
The person who owns personal data inside a database
Possessor (for the purpose of a database)
A person who has a database in his possession permanently and is permitted to use it
Information security
Protection of the integrity of the information, or protection of the information from being exposed, used, or copied, without lawful permission
Purpose (for data collection)
The purposes for which the database was established and the purposes for which the information is intended
Secrecy / Confidentiality
Agreement that a person shall not disclose any information obtained by him or her by virtue of his or her functions as an employee, manager or possessor of a database save for the purpose of carrying out his or her work or implementing the Law or under a court order in connection with a legal proceeding; where the request is made before a proceeding has been instituted, it shall be heard in the Magistrate’s Court
Right to inspect information
Every person is entitled to inspect, either on their own or through a representative authorized by them in writing or their guardian, any information about them kept in a database
Amendment of information
A person who, on inspecting any information about themselves finds that it is not correct, not complete, not clear or not up to date may request the owner of the database or, if such owner is a non-resident, the possessor thereof to amend or delete the information
Data Protection Law and Regulations
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform
Important Clarification
IUCC hereby clarifies that it provides public cloud storage services but does not deal with any of the legal aspects of storing the information of the account holder in the public cloud. For that reason, if the account holder has any doubt regarding any legal or juristic aspect of storing information in a public cloud environment, the account holder is advised to seek legal counsel prior to copying information to the public cloud service.