The GÉANT Testbeds Service (GTS) delivers integrated virtual environments as testbeds for network research to help support testing and development over a large-scale, dispersed environment. GTS supports multiple projects simultaneously and isolates them from each other and from the production GÉANT network to provide security and safety.
The GTS environment spans equipment in London, Paris, Hamburg, Prague, Madrid and others. During the pilot phase, the equipment includes 7 physical servers, 8 SDN switches and 95 10G router ports.
If you would like to use the testbeds service during its pilot phase, please send an email to with your contact information and a brief outline of you project information including estimated types/amounts of resources needed. A project will then be created for you. If you would like your project to be accessible for a joint research project, please include a list of usernames and email addresses that should have access to the project.