IUCC Diploma

What is the IUCC Diploma Service?

IUCC Diploma is a digital Academic Transcript and Credits Verification system that enables you to transfer information about transcripts, diplomas and certificates digitally, reliably, privately, and securely between academic institutions, government entities, and commercial companies registered for the service. Information is stored in the system with a personal code, which you can share only with institutions you choose. Institutions themselves and the system operator do not have access to information without your approval.

With IUCC Diploma, you no longer need to physically go to an institution to collect and verify your records!


How Does It Work?


Transcript and certificate transfer between institutions can now be done in 3 Simple Steps!

  1. Request to upload academic certificates and transcripts to the system on your institution’s website
  2. When the documents are successfully uploaded, you will receive a unique code. Please store this in a safe place. In some cases, you may need to wait for the department secretary’s office to upload the documents. In this case, you will receive your code via email after completing the process.
  3. To share the transcripts or certificates with another institution, for an application or certification, simply share the code in the designated place. This will allow the institution to view all the documents.



Frequently Asked Questions


What kind of documents does the system handle?

All kinds, including matriculation status, transcripts, recommendations, continuing education certificates, and more.

Do the certificates have to be tied to one or more degrees?

You can generate one or more codes for documents associated with specific degrees. A separate code must be issued for each degree.

How does the system ensure data privacy?

All data is encrypted individually (with a unique code for each person) and stored in a secure database.

Who can access the documents uploaded through the university website?

Only institutions that purchased system and that received a code from you.

What happens if I lose my code?

Upload the certificates again through the university website and receive a new code.

What if the code doesn’t work?

After verifying that the code is fact the correct one, you can upload the documents again and generate a new code.

How long is the code valid for?

The code is valid for two years for data security purposes. This allows you to register for two consecutive years. If needed in a third year you must complete an additional document upload.

I requested to upload documents through the university website but haven’t received an email with the code. What should I do?

Wait for the documents to be scanned and the code to be sent by the department secretary’s office.

Who do I contact in case of a problem?

Contact the registration management at institution or the support team, as per the details on the website.

Do I need to physically visit institutions?

No, the system enables a full digital registration and verification process for registered institutions.

With which institutions can users share the code?

With any academic institutions and other institutions, such as government agencies and commercial companies, that registered for the service.